06 Oct 2008, 22:31
An acquaintance of mine has a friend in Leeds who has a band called "DeLorean Drivers", and they are looking for a DeLorean to be in their music video.
Apparently they "are really good and potentially have a promising future ahead."
Would anyone in that area be willing to help these guys out?
They have a website http://www.myspace.com/deloreandriversband
If you are interested, you can contact the lead singer, Darren, on: deloreandrivers@gmail.com
(Note, I don't know anything about the band - I'm just passing a message on :-) )
An acquaintance of mine has a friend in Leeds who has a band called "DeLorean Drivers", and they are looking for a DeLorean to be in their music video.
Apparently they "are really good and potentially have a promising future ahead."
Would anyone in that area be willing to help these guys out?
They have a website http://www.myspace.com/deloreandriversband
If you are interested, you can contact the lead singer, Darren, on: deloreandrivers@gmail.com
(Note, I don't know anything about the band - I'm just passing a message on :-) )
Simon Brewer,
DOC Member #517
VIN #4748
DOC Member #517
VIN #4748