14 Jun 2007, 16:28
does that mean there really is an ET :wink:
Tourettes Tutor
I have the X factor
Tourettes Tutor
I have the X factor
National Press Club UFO Conference - 9th May 2001
14 Jun 2007, 16:28
does that mean there really is an ET :wink:
VIN#3484 Tourettes Tutor I have the X factor
14 Jun 2007, 19:12
personally, I find it very hard to believe that we could be the only planet in the entire universe with (allegedly) intelligent life on it.
Not entirely sure about UFO's myself tho......... A friend and I have regular banter about whether Armstrong and co actually landed on the moon all those years ago (oh dear, this will start some rows!!! :wink: ) Each to their own I guess, UFO's, little green men from Mars, God, Fairies, Ghosts, etc, none of them have ever been proved to exist or not exist, so I think we should just believe what we want to believe and be happy with that. Just my 2pth ![]()
Claire Wright - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie #170
14 Jun 2007, 19:24
i haveto agree, its a 100% certinty that theres many many other worlds out there with life on, and most deffinatly inteligent life, i cannot figure out why pplthink there arnt.
As for ufo's well im still waiting to see one, altho my dad has. anyhoo i think we need a big satelite in space saying, if your an elien, dont land in or fly over america, they like to shoot first and do autopsies later. Cannot figure out the brains behind that one, if inteligent alien life came to the world, a. dont shoot at em as they will most deffo have better weaponry, and 2. for that reason make contact and try gain some of the technology. Anyhoo im ranting on far too much, ive watched too many films, lol.
DOC 527
Vin #10264
14 Jun 2007, 19:34
Tourettes Tony Wrote:does that mean there really is an ET :wink: well there definatley is a TT ![]()
14 Jun 2007, 19:36
Claire Usher Wrote:Not entirely sure about UFO's myself tho......... A friend and I have regular banter about whether Armstrong and co actually landed on the moon all those years ago (oh dear, this will start some rows!!! :wink: ) Well likewise for many years i have thought that moon landing was made up ....
14 Jun 2007, 19:42
i hope it was then some other country like russia goes there and lands on it, it will then become their teratory, that would annoy some peeps in th eus im sure
DOC 527
Vin #10264
14 Jun 2007, 20:20
i remmeber a show about it being on tvonce, i missed it entirely tho:S
DOC 527
Vin #10264
14 Jun 2007, 20:21
..like Apollo 13 where we didn't, didn't land on the moon :lol: :wink:
- Dave Smith VIN: #00944 DOC: #535 VIN: #03193 |
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