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ASI / DMC Radio wanted
I would like to fit an original radio to my delorean. Being quite a late car (without the clock) I think this would be an ASI radio?

At the moment I have a Retro Sounds radio fitted and it doesn't look too out of place, but I really prefer the look of an original

Get a faceplate instead. Turns the retrosound into something thats more fitting

- DeLoryan
VIN 5219
Oct 81, Grey interior, 
manual, grooved hood
DOC 876
I have an ASI in my car, but like the Craig radios the reception is very poor. Depending on what you want from a radio/stereo and what your expecting you may be better off with what you have.
I personally have fitted a digital receiver and this has made the ASI a worthwhile option but on it's own it's rubbish I'm afraid. They were for US frequencies not ours.
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
Apart from the Euro-spec ones.. Big Grin
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 
thanks for the advice. I have seen a guy who has updated the ASI to output Bluetooth, so that would be great. I have an old Mercedes and that has an old Becker radio, so I am used to the sacrifice of originality over modern convenience lol

dmc1983, that faceplate looks good, where did you get that from?
Quote:thanks for the advice. I have seen a guy who has updated the ASI to output Bluetooth, so that would be great. I have an old Mercedes and that has an old Becker radio, so I am used to the sacrifice of originality over modern convenience lol
Yes, I forgot to mention that option, there's a chap in France IIRC can convert the Craig ones to be fully 'modernised' including working on European frequencies but he does not do ASI ones. I believe our very own tech guy (Richard) was going to look at converting the ASI's as well but not sure if he ever got around to it.
Certainly the faceplate on the one above makes it look very period. This may be the cheapest option?
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
(08 May 2021, 22:40)nasher Wrote: Dmc1983, that faceplate looks good, where did you get that from?

My car came with a craig radio so i used the plate from that. Im sure deloreango or dmch had a faceplate on its own for sale
- DeLoryan
VIN 5219
Oct 81, Grey interior, 
manual, grooved hood
DOC 876
I've just "made" a DMC ASI radio from parts. Bought a Jag ASI radio and fitted the DMC trim
Jag radio
With DMC facia, buttons and plate (from DMC Texas)

Just got to add bluetooth or AUX in.
awesome work!
Which model is that (Jaguar)?
Its from a Jaguar XJ6/XJS, part number JHT-106010, as mentioned got mine from Ebay for £100 from a guy in Lithuania. I think there are different versions, one for the American market and another for the rest of world.
(10 May 2021, 12:53)acmetowers Wrote: Its from a Jaguar XJ6/XJS, part number JHT-106010, as mentioned got mine from Ebay for £100 from a guy in Lithuania. I think there are different versions, one for the American market and another for the rest of world.

do you know I bought a Becker radio from a guy in Lithuania, I wonder if it is the same guy.

Found loads of them on the US eBay, but nothing local (typical) I think I may just get one form the US and have it shipped to my Brother in Law (who lives in Seattle) I need to order the nose piece and other bits, so I can get them all sent to him

I see the Jag illuminates orange, is the DMC green?
I can not be sure but all the pictures I've seen are the same as the Jags, also shows orange.
Quote:I've just "made" a DMC ASI radio from parts. Bought a Jag ASI radio and fitted the DMC trim

Jag radio
Learn something new everyday! that's brilliant.

Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584

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