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Engine throttle spool stainless steel covers
Bought myself one of these today,not a bad price (DMC Europe do a similar one with lthe DMC logo on for €37 plus tax and post) but not bad for £20 all in and stops people messing with your spool at shows!
On the bay now. 8)
#10556 'Ol Stainless' running surprisingly well,Audi A5 2.0T Quattro smug as usual,Wenault Slaguna stationary for the mo',the R.V.Enterprise clocking the U.K.miles up,new fleet addition-Jessica the Daewoo Matiz,silly but 55mpg....!
Yes they look very good, Paul is making some very nice parts. the advert for these is hear: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=5017
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Only just looked at the senders name, I guess Paul Emsley must be related to the infamous Phil Emsley! :lol:
#10556 'Ol Stainless' running surprisingly well,Audi A5 2.0T Quattro smug as usual,Wenault Slaguna stationary for the mo',the R.V.Enterprise clocking the U.K.miles up,new fleet addition-Jessica the Daewoo Matiz,silly but 55mpg....!

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