Flux Envy
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My god £ 300 's a bit steep init people. I built my own for about £25. I know its not exactly the same but it looks realy good in fact i think its a better size as its slightly smaller. It has blue lights that i got from Halfords and a handful of stainless washers and a couple of chainsaw Ht caps. Build your own guys it is easy and spend the other £275 on something you actually really need for your car. i've found that people only just glance a look at it anyway and don't even care or know if its real or not. They think the whole car thing is cool so the only person you would be impressing is yourself and imo £300 is alot of money just to impress yourself. Oh by the way i have a REAL flying hover board for sale if anyone is interested. One owner from new. £ 300. :roll:
Dan. The tree man
Not here for a long time. Just here for a good time
Live up to all you know. Nothing more. Nothing less
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vin. 4986
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Well i think everyone should have one, just to shut up the obligitary, wheres the flux capicitor mate? you know its coming but when :lol: I also had a bloke stop at the lights and say, make sure you dont go over 88mph, my reply , the speedo only goes up to 85 mate so i will never know will i funny lot

Tourettes Tutor
I have the X factor
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ahve you tried putting the good old dan and Rich way put the cable in a tray of coc to get rid of the rot on the wire or has it realy gone twang
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Joined: Apr 2007
sorry when i said coc i ment the stuff you drink not sniff
it brings the rod clean again
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Just so you know, I had mine refurbed by Speedograph Richfield in Arnold, Notingham in double -quick time before I took the car on holiday last year, and I'd had the sMame problem, central cable snapped. It was about £65 though, but if you're stuffed, it could dig you out of a hole...
And it's as good as new, no needle-wobble or anything...
0115 926 4235
Rich Hanlon
Richard Hanlon
DOC 393
1981 DMC-12 VIN 06126
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ok mike
im just abut to put an order together why how many we looking at ?
..thats good news matey ... i will forward your email on and ask them to get in touch direct with you if thats ok, one guy is from the states he sounds desperate to get one of these!
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good news every one
the price list has come for all parts and props so let me know if you want anythink
there is a 6 week waiting at the moment as i have allready put a order in for some props for a friends car so anybody wants anythink give me a pm the website will be up and running soon built by a giid friend in the club as funds are low at the moment as i,m trying to start this little project off