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Quick question.....Anyone towed a Delorean?
Hi all,

Just a simple quick question....can you tow a Delorean?
I'm not planning to at all, but 'in the event of....' it'd be nice to know if it was safe
to do so.

I was looking underneath and can't see anything much to attach anything to...?

DOC 100 Vin#3866 Ashington, West Sussex
yes, there are 2 towing eye's under the front of the car, one on each side of the frame.
Be careful with the towing eyes though. They are prone to snapping off so try not to yank hard against them, keep the rope tight.
VIN: 6511
or just get the RAC or the AA to put the car on a flat bed Big Grin TT
Tourettes Tutor
I have the X factor
But if you do make sure they attach the winch to something more substantial than I did (the ARB bracket) a couple of months ago Shock :oops: Big Grin
VIN 7176
DOC 643
Careful if yours is an Auto though, Auto transmissions need engine power to keep the lube flowing, so you should only tow an auto very slowly and for a very short distance.
Richard Hanlon
DOC 393

1981 DMC-12 VIN 06126
Thanks guys...

And it is a manual, so one less thing to worry about....

Thanks for the top tip...if in doubt, call the AA! 8)
DOC 100 Vin#3866 Ashington, West Sussex

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