09 Jan 2008, 21:16
Has any one got a rough bonnet they would like to sell do not want to drill holes in my good one if i can help it thank.
09 Jan 2008, 21:16
Has any one got a rough bonnet they would like to sell do not want to drill holes in my good one if i can help it thank.
09 Jan 2008, 22:09
Seeing that you are going to drill it, I suppose you are trying some new, temporary mods?? As an idea... Would it be possible to make one out of fibreglass and paint it silver?
Kind Regards,
John [DOC No. 8] ![]()
09 Jan 2008, 22:15
my god do you want to drill it no you don,t do things like that matey ![]()
09 Jan 2008, 22:51
yes, why are you drilling?
- Dave Smith VIN: #00944 DOC: #535 VIN: #03193
09 Jan 2008, 23:12
I am building a bttf and i am doing the last one so there is things on the bonnet do not want them to fall of while i am in the air can not get insurance for flying.
09 Jan 2008, 23:16
keith you dont need to drill it
i have the stuff that keeps the kit on my bttf 3 car as well
09 Jan 2008, 23:23
Thought the BTTF 3 stuff on the bonnet was the 1955 equivalent of a silicone chip.
If you watch the movie I'm sure its held on with leather straps, similar to the bonnet straps on a 1930's blower bentley. You dont need to drill the bonnet. Strap it like in the movie and put velcro or something under the prop as well if you like, but if you take a drill to it your crazy. D
VIN 4532
10 Jan 2008, 15:49
The thought of drilling into a hood makes me cringe. Baaad idea
Scott Miller
DOC 279, Vin 2107, Manchester http://www.makecollective.co.uk http://www.manchester.ac.uk/b15workshop
10 Jan 2008, 23:48
i know we do not really look ar value associated with our cars, but a good nick hood say gasflap is £800 or so? drilled would be near worthless, and would need Chris Nicholson to weld and repair. but then it is yours to do as you see fit steve
Steve Saunders
Wolverhampton ex owner vin 1621 doc 370
11 Jan 2008, 09:22
steve.s Wrote:hi Try £1500 ![]() I agree its his to do with what he wants but i still cant see why any holes need to be drilled
11 Jan 2008, 10:27
I wonder based on Zippy's silence if he has already got his Black and Wrecker out?
Chris Hawes DOC 138 Ex owner of VIN 5255 Grey, 5-speed
12 Jan 2008, 23:07
No Chris not yet i have a old bonnet but it is scrap just thought so one out there might have one just not as bad as mine. I have a bonnet with a flap but would not drill that i may be mad but not stupid have a nice day.
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