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Fingerprint Solution?
That thought crossed my mind too. It would loose the grain of the steel though :? Interesting to see how it would turn out.
Someone (I forget who) had their DeLorean laquered years ago. Apparently it tends to go a bit yellow after a while so the owner gets it re-lacquered every five years or so Shock

A paper towel with a dash of white spirit also works wonders against finger prints :wink:
1982 DeLorean VIN 12173 (a.k.a VIN 601)
1989 Alpine GTA V6 Turbo
Phil Peters Wrote:A paper towel with a dash of white spirit also works wonders against finger prints :wink:

anyone thought about rigging the car's bodywork up to the mains......... :roll:

hahaha :wink:

Actually, at the NEC, there was one guy, who was merrily molesting Flopsy's freshly cleaned panels (right next to a 'please dont touch' sign), so I wandered over and offered him a microfibre cloth and can of stainless polish.......... he apologised for touching the car (I didnt make him clean it! :lol: ) and we had quite chat in the end about the cars. Smile
Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
[quote="Claire Usher"

anyone thought about rigging the car's bodywork up to the mains......... :roll:

hahaha :wink:
Funny you should mention that but a while back someone got prosecuted for the same thing, his car kept getting vandlised so he wired it up to the mains :lol: shocking i say :lol: TT
Tourettes Tutor
I have the X factor
....."shocking" ................*groan*............ :roll:

Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
Hello all. I have spent many years in the extensive vehicle enhancement division ( Fancy name for auto detailing or car valeting ) The products I have used for the stainless I tend to find work really well, though some of you may be more biased to specific SS cleaners. Some are quite harsh, and do actually stain in some circumstances. These products are more of a laquer than a cleaner, but when used liberally in a specific way, they clean, shine and protect. The first is a slicone based vinyl and plastic dressing, in an aerosol which i spray onto a soft cloth, and apply with the grain. Any excesses can be removed with another soft cloth. The second is actually a super rubber dressing, again silicone based, and used in the same way gives excellent results. I would imagine these products do a similar thing to that of your baby oil, but I would imagine that to be too greasy. Ok if you want to hide a multitude of sin's, but also annoying when it's on your fascia's etc. The benefit of these products is that they are also good for the plastic trim and black bits, so it's a one stop application, except for your window's of course. If anybody wants to try some of this stuff, I hope to be bringing some to the NEC with me this year, so you can see the results for yourself. I also add that when it rain's, water beads off, and when dry it leaves no spots afterwards... Perfect!!! Happy Cleaning!
I used to use Mr. Sheen but now i use WD-40. After driving home from B'ham the other week there are no water marks whatsoever.
Dan. The tree man
Not here for a long time. Just here for a good time
Live up to all you know. Nothing more. Nothing less
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