lol - no worries - I think CD went bust didnt they? Were they the ones that
sacked all their employees by text message?
I would have thought, if the guy that ran over you wasnt being properly
supervised, then the Health and Safety Executive may well want to get
Like you say tho, the incident you were involved in is a bit more specialised
then tripping over a paving slab or having a car accident, but I'm sure your
Financial Advisor will be able to put you in touch with someone who can
sort out that side of things for you.
Anyways, you just concentrate on getting better and looking after that new
baby of yours when she arrives
BTW, what Hospital are you in? I've got to go back into Barnsley General Hospital
again next week for more work on my shoulder

We could come by
and say hello on the way back if you like?
Take it easy dude :wink: