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BTI app and historical Declaration - Printable Version

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BTI app and historical Declaration - Savetheclocktower - 07 Jul 2013

Hi Guys,

Just filling in the first page of my C381 and also the Historical Significance form. Wondering if any one who had imported before had advice on the specific wording I should look to use? Should be able to collect the car on Weds. Exciting times!

Thanks in advance.

Re: BTI app and historical Declaration - RobScott - 07 Jul 2013

yeah mate, i have done it. i'll find it for you.

Re: BTI app and historical Declaration - Savetheclocktower - 07 Jul 2013

Thanks Rob,



Re: BTI app and historical Declaration - RobScott - 07 Jul 2013

[Image: 66822_10152991453560646_247646104_n.jpg]

there you go fella, thats all thats needed.

if your stuck on anything else, just let me know.


Re: BTI app and historical Declaration - Rich Hanlon - 08 Jul 2013

Jeeze, that's some signature you've got there :wink: Big Grin

Re: BTI app and historical Declaration - RobScott - 08 Jul 2013

LMAO Big Grin

Re: BTI app and historical Declaration - Dangermouse - 08 Jul 2013

[Image: MrMessy.gif]