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First outing of the car - Printable Version

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First outing of the car - Birchy - 15 Jun 2008

Hi all,
I have now at last, got my car fully road legal, and went out for the first drive last night. have only ever driven a delorean on the odd occasion round the block etc, so have never really felt what they are like on the open road.
I completed a 17 mile local round trip, with no dramas, and the car is lovely to drive, just what i wanted it to be like, smooth and very civilised, a real cruiser. My ambition is to drive it to Dave Howarths house, about 30 miles, and park it next to his cars. I know that does not seem like a long trip, but Dave is the one who had helped me most in achieving my goal of owning a driving Delorean, and actually using it.
Also would like to thank all the other members who helped me with getting the car ready for the road. Rich H for the electronic box repairs, Nick T for getting my engine electrics sorted properly, and Chris and Darren at PJ Gradys for thier help and advice, and some parts, to name a few.
At last i have got there!, there is still loads to do, Deloreans are never fully finished, but hopefully i can run this for a bit, and sort the little niggles there are bound to be whilst using it.
Best wishes to all, hope i can see some of you at the odd show if the car continues to run ok.
Nick Birch.

- Tourettes Tony - 15 Jun 2008

nice one mate, dont worry too much about niggles the more you drive the better they run. TT

- Carl Hammond - 15 Jun 2008

Hey Nick, hope you are well.

Great to hear you're living the dream again almost a year on from 11777,(she's going really well now too by the way) Like you say, you do get the occassional set backs, but if there's one thing I have learnt with these car's, the high's always exceed the low's and it's a great feeling when you hit the open road! Big Grin

Congratulations and look forward to seeing you again sometime in the near future... Smile

All the best


- NickT - 15 Jun 2008

Nice one Nick Big Grin

- Alan Hammond - 15 Jun 2008

well done nick,

I can still remember what that first drive was like for me :twisted: :lol: Shock :roll: :?

I would just like that feeling with my Esprit (still undergoing re-fit and overhaul Cry Cry Cry )

All the best M8

- Guinney1971 - 15 Jun 2008

hey Nick, glad to hear your car is all sorted and running again Big Grin

Speak soon,