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2 Rabbits, free to a good home, can anyone help? - Printable Version

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2 Rabbits, free to a good home, can anyone help? - Guinney1971 - 22 Nov 2006

Hi all,

I've been helping out a friend at work who is moving from a house to a flat by temporarily housing her rabbits.

They are indoor "house" rabbits and are Netherland Dwarfs. 2 boys called Joey and Pepper. One is white and one is black (with grey circles round his eyes). They are about 5 months old.

They are free to a good home and come complete with about £100's worth of indoor cage, food, bedding and toys, etc.

Our tenancy agreement forbids us having anything much larger then the budgies, so we cannot keep them.

I can email photos of them to anyone who's interested.

We are about 10 miles outside Derby/4 miles from Ashbourne (on the A517) if anyone wants to come and see them.

They are very cute and enjoy cuddles - Pepper even likes to lick you!, so I really hope one of you can come to the rescue and give them a loving home.


Claire & Phill

- Guinney1971 - 22 Nov 2006

good news, the rabbits have been rehomed Big Grin

- dmcdj - 23 Nov 2006

yea gess who,s having them ???????// Smile

- bozzzydmc - 23 Nov 2006

glenhale Wrote:yea gess who,s having them ???????// Smile

are you digging out your big pie dish again ???

:lol: :lol:

- dmcdj - 23 Nov 2006

sam got two new little friends to go with her other two little friends in MY OFFICE :x

thanks to claire Big Grin

- bozzzydmc - 23 Nov 2006

So where are you going to live from now on matey?...or are you back in the car again Big Grin Big Grin

- dmcdj - 23 Nov 2006

in the shed

- bozzzydmc - 23 Nov 2006

glenhale Wrote:in the shed

cool ....back in the good books again !