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tracked down band expander for your craig radio - Printable Version

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tracked down band expander for your craig radio - steve.s - 31 Mar 2008

Hi All

just wanted to let you know that i have tracked down a band expander for the craig (or any US) stereo.

it shifts the frequency by 0.1 mhz.

the display will remain unaltered. so it should then pick up all uk stations, on the correct frequency.

i will probably order one and let you know, as its comming from new Zealand!.

i'm a stickler for keeping things original where possible and the craig suits the car with its 80's look. i can transmit mp3's from my satnav to the FM anyway!.

i have been trying to take mine out to get working on all speakers, and the whole car is built around that rear strap!.

- A Van - 16 Apr 2008

Hi Steve

Has it arrived yet?


- Rich Hanlon - 17 Apr 2008

If it shifts EVERYTHING by 0.1Mhz then surely instead of just being able to pick up the odd number stations, you'd only be able to pickup the even number stations while ever the gizmo was turned on?

The smallest step the tuner is capable of making is 0.2MHz (eg from XX.3 FM to XX.5 FM). So will it not then just go from XX.4 FM to XX.6 FM instead? (whilst still displaying the odd no. on screen?)

Bear in find Radio's 1 and 2 both end in odd numbers so therefore work on the unaltered system - I'm not sure if you shift up the band by 0.1 that you'd still be able to receive these...

- steve.s - 18 Apr 2008


no i have not ordered yet. been busy with work etc to carry on sorting the Craig.

the expander will shift by 0.1, around here for example we have 100.7 heart fm, so the radio will display 100.6, but be receiving 100.7 etc.

as far as i am aware, uk frequencies are odd numbers.

works the same as the jap expanders (which shift by 10.)

i was going to try and convert one of these but it needs a crystal to remain stable.

incidentally i am traditional and want the Craig, as it is 80's and suits the car....i have an fm transmitter for my satnav playing mp3's anyway.

i'll let you know when i get one. if you wanted both odd and even, you could wire a bypass for the aerial/12v supply and tune all frequencies.