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DMC Quality Assured stickers - Printable Version

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- Darren C - 06 Aug 2008

Rich Hanlon Wrote:No, nor do I to be honest, only playing along with the previous gag.

Most of the problems we encounter in the DMC community seem to be due to age, neglect or previous botchery in the name of maintenence.

I'm sure there was a serious amount of work going on to address early build quality issues, hence the QACs that were set up, and so on, and to prevent any sort of reputation which is easy to catch on and very difficult to dispel in the car manufacturing business. My interest in British Leyland cars has taught me that - and no, I don't want to open a discussion on that subject - not here at any rate.

I seriously doubt there'll be as many of today's cars around in 30 years time! And even major manufacturers seem to be doing recalls most weeks these days!

Boy your a glutten for punishment with quality cars Rich Big Grin

I was once told...

"Quality remains long after the price is forgotten"

"If all your interested in is price, then forget quality"

Once the accountants took over the world after WWII then only phrase two applies. Cry

I suppose quality is like the eye of the beholder. (And the size of ya wallet!)

One things for sure, for one reason or another we've all been attracted to our cars (no sexual deviants need post a reply) and as they say love is blind.

So whether quips on build quality offends you or not, the Delorean will always be a piece of motoring history regardless of how well it was put together.

As for Peugeots Dan, I'm right with you on that one! :lol:

Best Regards

- Dan6457 - 06 Aug 2008

Darren C Wrote:As for Peugeots Dan, I'm right with you on that one! :lol:

It does have one plus point though, that it runs on 100% vegetable oil giving me totaly free transport, so I have money to spend on silly amounts of fuel in the delorean at weekends :wink:

- Guinney1971 - 06 Aug 2008

Dan1986 Wrote:
Darren C Wrote:As for Peugeots Dan, I'm right with you on that one! :lol:

It does have one plus point though, that it runs on 100% vegetable oil giving me totaly free transport, so I have money to spend on silly amounts of fuel in the delorean at weekends :wink:

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

- Dan6457 - 06 Aug 2008

Hehe it gave me trouble the last week or so though, running seriously slow and not going much about 45mph! Turned out the fuel filter was clogged up with chip fat and a clean out in IPA at work and its fine again :wink: Anyway gone a bit off topic again!!!

Re: DMC Quality Assured stickers - Rich Hanlon - 01 Sep 2008

Hi folks – I have the stickers back from the printers and they’re looking good! They’re exactly the same size as the originals and are an excellent replica. They came in at slightly less than I first thought so I reckon £2.50 each will cover it.

Could you drop me a P.M stating how many you’d like and your home address please? I’ll then reply with my Paypal email address and will be able to post you the stickers. Failing that then a cheque would be fine.

Thanks all!
